1. Foreign Aid for Scoundrels, William Easterly, New York Review of Books: Government-to-government aid props up anti-democratic dictators to the detriment of the people. Bono doesn’t want you to know how the sausage is made.
2. Indian Microcredit Faces Collapse from Defaults, New York Times: Irrational exuberance combined with dirty politics could spell disaster for microfinance institutions in India. Perhaps a bubble in India is the first major milestone in the mainstreaming of microfinance
3. Patient Capital for an Africa that Can’t Wait, Thomas Friedman: The trademark pragmatism of Thomas Friedman is on display in this column about innovations in market-driven development in Africa.
4. Local Capacity Building and Business Development at the Base of the Pyramid, Next Billion: An interview with Simon Winter, senior VP of development with Technoserve, talking about smart and sustainable development.
5. Haiti, Ten Months Later, The Boston Globe: A photojournalist’s perspective of the staggering devastation that is still the norm in Haiti
6. In Haiti, Can Microlending Save the Economy?, New York Times: The importance of microfinance institutions in post-disaster recovery efforts. I discussed this topic in a post on the Kiva Fellows blog several months ago.