Today I was cranking away at work at the way-cool iHub, when I got a message from a friend with a link to the Boston Globe. When I opened it, I had to smile, since it is amazing. A good friend, former prom date, and the only person I’ve ever met who is definitely smarter than me (except for all the other people) just got engaged, and it made it to the Globe:
Navin Kumar, 27, caused a scene at Harvard on Saturday when he proposed to his longtime girlfriend, Westwood’s Anica Law, 26, during their fifth-year college reunion. Navin, who met Anica at Annenberg Hall on the second day of their freshman year, surprised Anica with a choreographed, lip-synched performance ofBruno Mars’s “Just the Way You Are’’ in front of a huge crowd before he presented her with a ring. His college roommates served as backup dancers. Anica said yes, of course. Both Navin and Anica are residents at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in the internal medicine program. Navin told us that it took him and his pals about an hour to choreograph the dance.
This is the girl who I took to my senior prom in my dad’s car because I was too cheap to pay for a limousine (granted, it was a sort-of nice car with leather seats, which is how I justified it). Now she and her husband-to-be are about to be some of the best doctors in the city with the best doctors in the world (Boston – my adopted hometown). So congratulations to Navin and Anica, and enjoy this amazing video.